"Staging” your home is all about making the space in your home as appealing as possible to buyers. You may already know the basics, such as eliminating clutter. Here are some other tips that are less well known yet very effective:

  • Chandeliers. Surprisingly, these are one of the simplest ways to make a foyer, dining room or living room dramatically more eye-catching. You can buy a good-looking chandelier for a few hundred dollars.
  • New linen. This is something many home sellers don't consider, but should. Replace any worn linen – sheets, coverings, towels, and even oven mitts with new ones. Believe it or not, new linen makes a big impression on buyers.
  • Pedestal sinks. It may not be practical for you to replace a bathroom sink. However, if you…

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Imagine you're viewing a potential new home. You walk in the front door and are instantly impressed. You explore the property room by room and like what you see.

Then there's something you notice that's not quite right. What’s that!? An odour. You realize that it's likely cat dander and, now that you've identified it, you smell it everywhere. Suddenly the home doesn't seem as attractive as it did just moments earlier.

The owner of the property is probably so used to the smell that he doesn't even notice it. Neither does anyone else in the household.

So, when marketing your home for sale, be scent sensitive. Think about the odours that you may have become used to but others are likely to notice. Even odours you think are pleasant, like the strong…

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When some people think about selling their home, they imagine all the things they will have to do: paint the kitchen, clean closets, prepare for viewings, find another home, arrange financing, start packing, etc. It can all seem very overwhelming very quickly.

In fact, the long to-do list you imagine you’ll have to deal with may dissuade you from making a move!

It doesn't have to be that way.

There are many ways to make selling your home and buying another relatively simple and easy.

Sure, there will be some work to do. You may need to prepare your property so that it looks appealing to potential buyers – cleaning, decluttering, doing some repairs, etc. Of course, you will also need to view some properties for sale in order to find your next…

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Buyers are more likely to make an offer on your home if they see a lot of things they love about it. So what do buyers love to see?

One of the main things they like to see is a lot of space. Of course, you can't change the size of your rooms, but there is a lot you can do to make small spaces in your home seem more spacious.

Buyers also love to see a clean and uncluttered home. Think of how inviting a hotel room looks at first glance, with everything neat and organized. Of course, your home isn't a hotel, but the neater and attractive you can make each room, the better.

One thing buyers don't love to see is potential maintenance issues. Get things fixed or updated as much as you can, before deciding to sell. 

In fact, the more "finished" and…

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When you make or receive an offer to buy a property, it's important that you read and understand every clause. It is especially important to understand any conditions or any changes that are made to the standard offer.

An offer may contain several types of conditions. The most common are "conditional upon arranging financing" and "conditional upon passing a professional home inspection." However, there may be other conditions and/or terms as well.

You should be aware of – and fully understand – all of them.

In addition, the wording of an offer may change during the back and forth negotiations that often happen. Aside from changes to the price, other clauses may be added, removed or reworded as well.

A good agent will always ask you to initial…

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If you have pets, you probably adore them. They're part of the family! But when you're preparing your home for sale, you need to think about how you're going to deal with the "pet issue".  Some potential buyers who view your property may love pets as much as you do. However, others may be turned off by the tell-tale signs of pet ownership – such as kitty litter, dander, and smells.  So be sure to make a plan for how you’re going to deal with your pets.  It's a good idea to keep pets out of the house during viewings. Even if your dog or cat is friendly, some buyers will be uncomfortable around them. So, you'll need to decide where your pets will go when buyers view your property. Consider a local kennel or "pet day camp".   "Can't I just take my dog out…

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Items that remind us of special people, events, milestones and interests are an important part of what makes a home a home. Pictures on the fireplace mantle, for example, showcase family and friends that are important to us. You might also have trophies, certificates, greeting cards, and other mementoes on display in key places.  Of course, all of those things add warmth and meaning to your home.   However, if you're preparing your home for sale, it's a good idea to pack those memories away - at least until you've sold your property and moved to your new home.

Why? Because those pleasant mementoes that mean so much to you may actually turn off potential buyers.  You see, when buyers view your property, you want them to be able to clearly picture…

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Even homeowners who have moved a few times can be intimidated by the real estate market in general, and the buying and selling process in particular.  First of all, making a decision to sell your home can be difficult. There are so many questions, such as:

  • Is "now" a good time to list?

  • How much can you expect to get for your property? 

  • How long will it take to sell – and what if it doesn't?

 Then there's the buying and selling process: 

 • How do you prepare your home for sale?

 • How do you find homes that meet your criteria and are within your price range?

 • How do you prepare your home for viewings?

 Yes, there's a lot to think about. That's why finding a good REALTOR® who is an expert on the local market is so…

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Have you ever attended an "Open House" advertised in your area or in a community you like? Most people have. Even if you're not serious about moving, viewing a few properties in a neighbourhood you like is a great way to get a sense of the market.  Who knows? You might stumble upon your next dream home!  To get the most out of an open house, follow these guidelines:

 • Most open houses will have a handout available containing the list price and other property information. Be sure to keep a copy.

  • Don't just view the rooms. Explore the entire property, including the backyard.

  • Don't be shy about asking the listing agent (or whoever is hosting the open house) questions about the property. 

 • Ask about the area. Are there schools nearby?…

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If you're like most people, you go to see a doctor when you're not feeling well or have a health concern. However, you may also visit your doctor for a check-up, or to ask questions about healthy living.  In fact, consulting your doctor for anything health-related is a smart idea.  The same holds true when it comes to real estate.  Many people only call a REALTOR® when they're planning on selling their property or buying a new home, or both. While that's an important reason to speak to a REALTOR®, it's not the only reason.  Indeed, there are many good reasons for you to give a good REALTOR® a call. For example:

  • If you have a question about the state of the local real estate market. (Remember that it may be very different from what you hear on the…

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